Today Josh and I attended Creation Entertainment's Sci Fi Summit in Burbank. It was a relatively small con, size wise and building wise. They had a great variety of actors from great shows, with a concentration on Star Trek TNG. We got the opportunity to meet some great actors, including Jeffrey Combs from a variety of awesome shows including 4400, and Deep Space 9, Rene Aberjonois from Deep Space 9 and Warehouse 13 and James Marsters from Buffy (a personal favorite).
James was cordial and sweet and everything I could have hoped for. Josh was very sweet and took some video of the experience, only missing the end when he tried to take a picture of us both in frame.

The real star of the con was Sir Patrick Stewart (albeit briefly because they moved the line along very quickly as they do for con run autograph lines. It made sense since we still stood in line for about an hour, but met this awesome couple Their wedding, as featured on who were great to talk to while waiting.We tried to get a picture of Patrick but that was banned, still Josh got some snuck footage which we will later share.
The panels were not anything spectacular, I prefer Creation's panels at the Star Trek Convention because they offer more interesting subject matter and more people. I did not like that they forced you to buy extra tickets to see the TNG panel at the end of the night so we didn't opt to do it. I got to wear my awesome new Star Trek tee from Geeky Hostess but I did not get the chance to share it around as much as I hoped.
After we finished getting autographs we decided to get a drink with our friend Crystal (@abbytoir on twitter) at the bar. While in the bar Levar Burton walked in. We decided to buy him a drink if the bartender walked by. He didn't so we decided to go over and ask if we could, because when do you get that opportunity? We bought him his Spicy Bloody Mary and had a short discussion on a re-airing of his NPR interview about books and such, then we went back to our seats.
We felt bad for making people realize he was someone famous from the convention because he was then descended upon by people looking for pics and autographs so he bailed. Oh well. Not everyone gets a chance to buy a drink for someone who influenced their childhood and helped set them on a path of lifetime reading and writing.
Then we returned home for some good old Skyrim adventuring.
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